This Recap Video Of Jackson Hole's "Kings & Queens Of Corbet's" Competition Is Certified Ski Porn

Hand up: I've been obsessing over skiing lately. I decided to make it my entire personality after I realized how many people use "sneaker head" as theirs. That said, I've only ever skied the east. And when I say "skied the east" I mean I've literally skied every single mountain in the (north) east. I was really good at it growing up too, but after a nearly seven year break it's taken me the better part of a season to get up to snuff. I think I'm just scared of injury now which makes me more cautious than I was in my early twenties. Regardless, I've been watching a ton of ski videos online and just recently came across the "Kings & Queens of Corbet's" competition out in Jackson Hole and I wanted to share. 

So what is it? Long story short the best freeriders in the world fly out to Wyoming and launch themselves off a cliff called Corbet's Couloir. The male winner is the king and the female is the queen. Perhaps you've seen this iconic photo from 1989...

That's Corbet's Couloir. It looks pretty much the same, except now there's a giant jump at the top of it. I mean these people are absolute lunatics. The first girl who went two years ago ripped a backflip sight unseen. To put how crazy that is into perspective, here's a video of normal people trying to ski down Corbet's. Insanity. Go back and watch the video at the top of the blog if you have the time, I promise it'll be worth it. Now here's a little clip of Chef Donnie cooking wieners on the side of a mountain. Enjoy...




