Finally We've Got a Teaser Trailer and Premiere Date For Season 3 of 'The Boys'

Tremendous news has been bestowed upon on us on this snowy Friday as we have a S3 premiere date for 'The Boys!' The only issue is that we have to wait until June fucking 3rd for it to get here. Quite frankly think it's pretty rude we have to wait that long. I know the pandemic happened and that delayed all sorts of filming, but come on, June???? I don't even know if I can live til then with the way I've been eating lately. 

Anyways, I'm obviously very pumped because all this series does is deliver. We got a quick little sneak peak into Season 3 above with the announcement. Biggest takeaway is that Homelander is about to snap and my god is it going to be incredible. I personally think it's crazy Anthony Starr hasn't won an Emmy yet for his role. He was born for this and I'm not sure there's anyone else out there who could play Homelander as good as him. If you haven't seen him play Lucas Hood in Banshee then get on that in the time you have before June 3rd. 

Season 2 centered around Homelander striving to earn the love of his son Ryan. All that dude wants is to be loved. He also started hooking up with Stormfront because she was basically the one person on Earth who cared to have a personal relationship with him. The whole Nazi, racist thing was a red flag though, even to him. She ends up getting her limbs fried from her by Ryan, but she'll definitely be back for Season 3 —maybe in some Darth Vader kinda suit or something. The new big villain on the block is Congresswoman Newman who the audience finds out was behind all the heads exploding in court late in the season. Hughie goes to work for her in office at the very end of the season, having no idea what he's getting into. Might have to give it the ol' rewatch soon. In the meantime, don't be a cunt. 

Here's a nice recap of last season if you wanna jog the ol' memory.