COACH FIGHT: Barcelona And Villarreal's Managers Apparently Had To Have Police Break Them Up During An Argument In The Tunnel

[Translated] The police had to intervene between Xavi and Emery so that the two men did not come to blows after a discussion where the tone rose on Saturday night.

[Sun] - Sport now claims that Emery was furious after the final whistle and he became embroiled in an ‘intense argument’ in the tunnel with Xavi.Things got that heated that cops had to allegedly get between the two before the row boiled over.

The report states that both coaches then had to ‘cool down’ in their respective team’s dressing rooms.

The police! The police! Over yelling and a scuffle. I don't even know if a scuffle is the right word here, mostly just yelling and probably finger pointing. All I can think about when cops get involved during a sports fight is this reaction to the Clippers/Rockets fight. 

Nobody has ever had a more pure reaction, more genuine laughing than Charles Barkley and Shaq when news broke of the LAPD getting called. If you're ever in a bad mood, just watch that. Impossible not to laugh at their reactions. 

But now we go over to Spain and Barcelona's new manager Xavi mixing it up with Villarreal's Unai Emery. In typical soccer fashion it's all because they were yelling at each other about penalties. It's not shocking this is what caused managers to start fighting with each other. Who cares if it was a 3-1 win for Barcelona? What about the penalties? Actually, the real soccer thing here is police breaking them up before they come to blows. There needs to be a new rule in life. Police can't break up a word fight. There needs to be a minimum of ONE punch thrown. Then, fine, let them jump in. Really it should be one from each though. You should have the right to punch back.