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Watching Some Sorry Son Of A Bitch Fall Into A Water Fountain Because He Was Looking At His Phone Is The Perfect Cure For The Monday Blues

I don't care if your favorite football team lost this weekend, the fantasy gods proverbially buttfucked you yet again, or the existential dread that comes with another work week beginning anew has crushed your soul. There is something magical about seeing another human fall into water because they weren't paying attention that will make a human smile no matter how much The Sads have engulfed their soul. We call this the Michael Scott Koi Pond Phenomenon.

Yes it is wordy but it is also dead on balls accurate (It's an industry term). If you didn't smirk the first time you saw that dude get drenched or LOL when you realized his shoes flew into the air like a cartoon character on your 10th viewing, it's time to call your doctor. Which type of doctor? I'm not sure. I know you are supposed to call a doctor if you take boner pills and have an erection that lasts more than four hours. So I guess call that same doctor if you don't feel anything while watching these videos because there has to be some sort of shared biology between the part of your body that makes boners and the part of your body that feels joy watching something like this.