Vin Diesel Publicly Begged For The Rock To Return For Fast 10

My little brother Dwayne... the time has come. The world awaits the finale of Fast 10. As you know, my children refer to you as Uncle Dwayne in my house. There is not a holiday that goes by that they and you don’t send well wishes... but the time has come. Legacy awaits. I told you years ago that I was going to fulfill my promise to Pablo. I swore that we would reach and manifest the best Fast in the finale that is 10! I say this out of love... but you must show up, do not leave the franchise idle you have a very important role to play. Hobbs can’t be played by no other. I hope that you rise to the occasion and fulfill your destiny.

Lets get something out of the way....

You don't call the Rock "Little Brother Dwayne" when he is taller, stronger, and a massively bigger movie star than you are. You know how many people on earth can best the Rock on all three of those categories? ZERO. Zero people! So if you are going to publicly beg someone to re-join your franchise, maybe don't start with what is essentially a direct insult. 

Anyway what is the actual incentive for the Rock to re-join? He is the biggest and most paid movie star in the world. He already made a spinoff movie(Hobbs & Shaw) that was more critically successful than both F9 and Fate of the Furious. He can keep making random blockbuster trash like Jungle Cruise and Red Notice while doing passion projects like Black Adam, all while banking plenty of money on his other investments(like his terrible energy drink, Zoa). 

Theoretically, this could set the stage for awesome finale where the Rock comes out as a hero. The fast franchise can ride off into the sunset with a big battle involving the classic stars of the franchise with 2 MASSIVE, charismatic stars added in the Rock and John Cena. That's a massive draw and Universal should be telling the Rock to simply name his price. I think, of all these reasons, the first is the one that might get him on board. I think the Rock loves coming off as the good guy, so that should be the angle Vin plays here. Not Vin's meathead way of appealing to the Rocks artistic integrity.