MSG Is Hosting A Comedy Show In Honor Of The 20th Anniversary Of 9/11 And The Lineup Is Insane

Can you belive it's been twenty years? Think about that. Twenty years since 9/11. We have kids working at Barstool now who weren't even born when it happened. That's not any sort of dig on them, it's more an acknowledgment of time and how fast it passes. I remember sitting in Mrs. Farmer's seventh grade English class that day and being confused as to what was happening. "A plane hit the World Trade Center? Why are they telling us?" Then the second plane hit and it became glaringly obvious. The gravity of the situation set in and the world would never be the same. It wasn't until I got to Barstool that I knew someone, Large, who had been personally impacted by the attacks. I implore all of you to read his blog reflecting what happened that day if you haven't already...




I digress. Here we are twenty years later and we've got some of the biggest comedians on earth coming together for a great cause- to honor those we've lost while raising a shit ton of money for charity. And guess what? It's going to be funny. It's not going to be "woke", it's not going to be "safe", it's going to be funny. Not a single person on the dais leads me to believe otherwise. 

John Stewart spoke to Variety about the event...

“We wanted to put on a fun celebration to honor this great city’s resilience,” the two funnymen said in a joint statement regarding the show, which will take place Sept. 12 at Madison Square Garden, Variety reported. “It’s nice to be able to do this with friends and people we love.”

Tickets go on pre-sale starting this Wednesday, but I really hope they pack the place with first responders like they did with The Concert for New York City. They deserve it. I'm not sure this next video fits with the blog, but I wanted to share it because it's something that comes to mind every time I hear the words "9/11." 






I'll be watching on August 27th and you should be too.