Great Video Of DaBaby Dunking On A Couple Of Kids Who Tried To Trick Him Into Paying Way To Much For A Box Of Candy






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$200? For a box of Skittles?!? Buddy, what were you thinking? At least get your math right. He asked you how many bars you had in the box and you said thirty-four at two dollars a piece. For those of you who don't follow sixty-four bucks. To be honest, I didn't think DaBaby would pick up on it but credit to him he did. The worst part was when his IDIOT buddy then asked for four-hundred dollars for his box. Four-hundred! 

Naturally twitter is having a field day…

Some people thought he was being too mean but not me. He taught those little pricks those little pricks a valuable lesson- you can't bullshit a bullshitter. Hopefully those two were able to sell the rest of their candy or at the very least break even. Now take it away, D!…




