Hero Of The Weekend Goes To This Cop Who Freed A Baby Skunk With A Yogurt Cup Stuck On Its Head





HERO.  What did you do this weekend?  Get black out drunk and then send out a bunch of apology texts the next day?  Same here.  Well on the other end of the spectrum, this cop was out there fighting crime, cleaning up the mean streets and helping the less fortunate.  The less fortunate in this case being a baby skunk who got to the bottom of a Yoplait and realized the he didn’t have opposable thumbs.  Unreal agility from that cop.  Unreal patience from that cop.  That was truly a clinic on how to free a helpless baby skunk from a yogurt cup AND avoid getting sprayed in the face by anal pepper spray.  He couldn’t have been more graceful.  That’s also another win for dash cams even if all police cars already have dash cams.  Put them on every single car that’s ever made starting today.  It’ll be worth it.  Trust me.  The world is a magical place where magical things happen all the time even when we’re not looking.  Dash cams on cars can be our eyes out there for people slipping on ice and breaking their leg or getting hit in the balls by a traffic cone or a cop freeing a baby skunk.  Somebody pass a law.