TWITTER FIGHT! Bradley Beal And His Wife Unleashed Hell On Kent Bazemore After Bazemore Joked About Beal's Injury

We got ourselves a solid Twitter fight last night in the NBA. I know, I know. Get the jokes off hockey guys. They should just fight on the court, I agree. But this is the line that started it off. We have Steph Curry and Bradley Beal fighting for the scoring title while both teams are trying to make the playoffs. 

While this all started to go down, Beal was missing the Wizards game against the Hawks with, you guessed it, a hamstring injury. I also know what you're thinking - who the hell is Kent Bazemore. 

Bazemore is the exact definition of a role player for the Warriors. He will ride with Steph forever. I'm all for him backing his guy, but you can't make a tongue-in-cheek comment about Beal being injured. That's just fucked up. I don't care how light the injury is, it's still an injury. Obviously with Beal not being able to play, he had plenty of time on his hands to respond to Bazemore via Twitter: 

I actually like that he started the thread off with a question. Gauge the audience and make sure you get some sort of traction. Blogging 101 trick right there. I wish he was more specific though in terms of letting him live vs really going off. Obviously he chose more the go off side and we got this thread: 

I gotta admit, that's a pretty solid string of tweets. He gets all the classics including an A+ burn. Calling someone lame, even in 2021, still makes me laugh. Sometimes you just gotta go old school. Lame is one of those words that just sticks too. Great insult. Big time ricochet shot at Steph though with Beal putting him on blast for checking numbers. It's not even an insult, if you're trying to win a scoring title and win games, it's not exactly shocking to do something like that. Ricochet shot indeed though. Then went with the gif which is automatic in Twitter before hitting him with the I know how to use that at button. A+ all around. Even his wife got involved: 

We're pulling out stat lines! I love it. Everyone deserves a significant other like Brad's got here. Go to the box score and ring him up on Twitter. On a good hair day nonetheless! 

This is where I'm giving Brad the win though. Bazemore went back to the mic after the game last night and had this comment: 

If you start talking about how you don't care and people can't handle jokes, they got you. I don't care if it's Twitter, I'm giving the win to the Beal's here.