Wild Video Of A Dude Coming Face To Face With (and almost shooting) A Pet Tiger That Escaped Its Enclosure

Source - Whoever let their tiger out and about on the streets of a Houston neighborhood this weekend is certainly no Joe Exotic, but they were trying to be ... and almost got the thing killed.

Check out this wild scene that unfolded Sunday in the burb of Memorial, where a neighbor -- who is allegedly an off-duty sheriff's deputy -- came face-to-face with the striped beast. The guy had his gun drawn as he tried yelling at it to stop, but it continued creeping toward him.

The Video:

The supposed owner tells the cop not to shoot it and that he'll get the animal, which he successfully did in the end without any bullets flying. You can even see the tiger has a collar on, and seems pretty comfortable when the human wrangles it in on their front yard.

First of all, how hard do you think that guy was? He got to pull his gun out AND almost use it? Boner city. Personally, I would've got in my car and not tried to reason with it, but that's just me. Regardless, the fact that there are people out there who have tigers as pets is something I'll never understand. What do they get out of it? Yeah they're cute and cuddly when they're young, but at some point they stop being cute and cuddly and start being stone cold killers. Look at this thing...

It's lived its entire life in captivity and the second it tastes freedom instincts take over. Stalking, ears back, rtr at the drop of a hat. Which is why the owner is such a lunatic. He just ran up to it like it was some sort of golden retriever…

Apparently it's illegal to own Tigers in Houston too, but you can own them in the surrounding counties as long as you have the all paper work. No word on whether or not this guy has that paper work, but if I had to guess I'd say he does. Oh well. If I'm one of the neighbors I'm either A) praying it gets out again so I can shoot it or B) leaving town. I'm not trying to be looking over my shoulder every time I go outside. Crazy stuff. Now take it away, Joe…




