GAMERS REJOICE - Discord x Playstation is FINALLY HERE

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Do you have that one nerdy friend that plays on PC and always raves about discord and shits on game chat? Well that's me - but discord is FINALLY coming to Playstation.

This is a W for ALL gamers….except Xbox users…RIP.

In this announcement, Playstation said that discord will be coming to the console early next year (2022). For my console guys out there, get ready for clearer comms than you've ever heard before.

I'm hype for this (and wish it came sooner) and I know a lot of PC/PS users feel the same way.

Originally, Microsoft was in talks to buy discord. Not sure exactly what happened, but it appears that Playstation is winning this battle.

Speaking about discords, join ours here! This is how you can play with us and join Four Loko Fridays!