Alex Smith Has Decided To Retire And He Goes Out An Absolute Legend Of The Game


Scott Taetsch. Getty Images.


Take a fucking bow, Alex Smith. Take all the bows in the world, because we'll never stop clapping. What he accomplished, not just as long time starting QB in the NFL, but through his perseverance to come back after that devastating injury that almost cost him not just his career, not just his leg, but his life, is nothing short of remarkable. Absolutely legendary in every way a human can be. 

Do you remember when he started talking about wanting to play football again? Nobody believed it was possible. We didn't even think he would run again, nevermind line up under center with 6'6, 300 pound linemen coming after him. And then that feeling in his first series when god damn Aaron Donald jumped on his back and we all thought it was over right there. But it wasn't. Not only did Alex return to the NFL, he led our Washington Football Team to the playoffs. We will never see anything like it again.

This is a guy who compares his right leg to a "skin quilt". Nobody saw his return coming, besides him. He believed in himself, worked his ass off, and did the improbable. Now he is going out on his own terms, with nothing left to prove.

I've said it before, I want Alex Smith in the Washington organization forever. He has a huge football brain, was always out there mentoring and helping the other QBs, and is simply a guy you want to have around. The relationship ended a littleeeee rocky, but I hope they reach out and offer him a blank check to return as a director of player development or something of the sort.

Congrats on the great career and to whatever comes next, I'm sure you'll crush it.