Classic Coach K Spinzone Since Duke Sucks: They Actually Currently Are In The NCAA Tournament Because They Are Playing In The ACC Tournament

Live look at how Coach K is explaining to his team that they actually are in the NCAA Tournament 

So congrats to Minnesota for playing in the NCAA Tournament since they beat Northwestern in the Big 10! That's how you keep a job, Richard Pitino. Congrats to my Kentucky Wildcats for being in the NCAA Tournament as of this moment (beat you to it).  Actually my favorite thing is how before the season started K said he wanted actually to make the NCAA Tournament and now is claiming every team is in and how fair it is. 

I honestly want to be surprised that we're doing Duke is on the bubble talk, but I'm not. Coach K brainwashes everyone every single year. What about this resume makes it seem like they should be in if they just beat FSU? 51 in the NET, 2-5 in quad 1 games, 5-4 in quad 2 games, 2-2 in quad 3 games. That's a team that should have to win the conference tournament in order to get in. But it's Duke, so here we are with everyone putting them right on the bubble. 

I'll say this to shock you. I actually AGREE with K that the NCAA Tournament has the most fair way to make it. You win the conference tournament. Every single team in the country has a chance to win their conference tournament. That's fair. The rest of it is not. It's fluky, it's seeding based on a committee and human element. But every team has the same chance to make the Tournament. You win your conference. 

Just classic Coach K man.