Gay News Anchor Gets Suspended For Fat-Shaming Obese People Who Got The Vaccine Before Him

Source - A news anchor for the Fox 5 station in Washington, D.C., was slammed for tweeting that he’s “annoyed [that] obese people of all ages” are getting COVID-19 vaccines before all essential workers.

He later apologized and deleted the tweet, but his acknowledgement of wrongdoing was also fiercely criticized.

“When most stayed home, we went into work everyday last March, April, May and everyday since putting ourselves & loved ones at risk,” Blake McCoy tweeted on Tuesday afternoon. “Vaccinate all essential workers,” he added. “Then obese.”

McCoy was seemingly referring to the fact that, as a television news anchor, he’s not yet qualified to receive a coronavirus vaccine shot in D.C..

A spokesperson for the station, WTTG, told the Daily News that McCoy has been “suspended pending further review.”

McCoy, who’s one of the evening anchors of the network, later tweeted an apology... 

The Tweet:

Listen, I don't know anything about Blake McCoy, but I know I like him. I like anyone who half-asses an apology because their boss told them too. He didn't even try and hide it either. He was replying to people in the comments saying the only reason he deleted the tweet was because he didn't want to argue with strangers online...

Which I get, but it kind of undoes the entire apology. Regardless, there are two ways to think about overweight people getting vaccine priority…The first is that the vaccine should be given to them so they don't clog up the hospitals. The second is that obesity, unlike other 'preexisting conditions', is highly preventable therefore priority should not be given to obese people. I'm not going to write my opinion in this blog because I don't want to be #canceled, but I do talk about it at length in this week's episode of Out & About which you can check out HERE

We also covered a bunch of other stuff including how Chaps N' Big Cat got Kate a car, me falling in love, lesbian bars, and a breakdown of cities with the most same sex couples. Make sure you give it a listen otherwise you're homophobic. 




