Prince Harry Did An Obstacle Course On Carpool Karaoke With James Corden, America Continues To Simp

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Oh, did you forget about Prince Harry during all of the drama? He ditched the fam in England, now lives in LA with his bride/baby mama Meghan Markle, and he's ready to start putting on a show. Where to start?? James Corden;s Carpool Karaoke. 

Do they do any singing in this? No they don't. Probably for the best considering James Corden is 0/2 on "entertaining movies that involve him singing" in the past few years. But they DO try and have tea on top of a tour bus on the 405, they visit the Fresh Prince of Bel Air house (get it? because Harry is a Prince lol) and then they do an obstacle course. People forget that Harry is a military man, a strong ox, if you will. He blew through that obstacle course like it was NOTHING. He barely got any mud on himself when he had to literally crawl under wires through the mud. How is that possible?? He says it's because "he did it right." Oh, okay Harry.

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William is officially out. I'm ready and willing to declare, after watching this video, that Harry is the hottest Prince. He also just seems cool as shit. Americans are so obsessed with the royals, myself included, and it's really strange how fascinated we all are. But, it's even more interesting watching someone who's known to be a part of a prim-and-proper family, doing casual things like this. Getting his hands dirty, cracking jokes. He's the People's Prince. He "lives a life of public service." He just wants to change the world as best he can. He just also happens to have swag out the ass? I can't think of a better way to describe it. Charisma seems too buttoned up. Harry's smooth as silk. I do declare, that America will have no choice but to continue to stan/simp/drool/love Harry. 

And yes, Meghan does make an appearance over FaceTime. I know everyone dies for her in Suits, but she never did it for me until she became royal-adjacent. 

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