Pardon My Take's Football Guys of the Week Nominees - Week 21

The only football on this week was the Senior bowl... We only have 1 more game to go then football desert till summer.

Aaron Rodgers

Aaron Rodgers comes in this week doing something extremely relatable to all non-pro football players: riding in the bed of a truck with your full pads on. Total football guy move. The Packers require the players to drive from their locker rooms to the practice field which is a predicament football player from all levels can relate to, Pee Wee, Highschool, D3, D2, or D1. At some point, you are going to have to ride in the truck bed no matter if you are a freshman on varsity or the NFL MVP. Style points for flashing the booze.

Gary Anderson

Coach Gary Anderson leaves 2.7 million dollars on the table after he says he does not believe he deserved it for his coaching performance at Utah State. Voluntarily walking away from money that is contractually his due to his own morals is a football guy move. Why? I'm not 100% sure why you would walk away from money that is rightfully yours but I feel like this shows he's honest and in his next job will do better? I think that is the thought process. Anyway, I am clocking it as a selfless football guy move. 

Cole Beasley

Cole Beasley played with a broken leg. Whenever a broken leg and football is ever mentioned I like to reference this clip.

Playing on a broken leg means you put the team on your back. Beasley has an amazing stat line for a broken leg with 7 catches for 88 yards. The Fibula may be a non-weight bearing but it's not a funny bone to break by any means. Playing through adversity and dropping a rap song in the same week that's grit. 

Quinn Meinerz

This guy is a dude. D3 Wisconsin-Whitewater player showing up to the senior bowl to prove that D3 guys can still ball. Broke his hand during practice in the week and still dominated D1 talent in order to be named O-linemen of the week.  Quinn Meinerz has an aspiring power belly that is the result of dining hall chicken tendies and natty light. That's D3, just being built different. I hope this guy goes in the first round. It's just awesome seeing talent being found at all levels. Also just look at this guy's power belly it only rivals actual strongmen. 

This is Eddie Hall, a strongman with a serious power belly. 

In comparison here is Quinn Meinerz who has an A1 power belly for being just a football player. 

Here is a video of him totally dominating a power 5 DT.

But if you check this video out you can see he trains like a lumberjack strongman. 

If I am a team like the Bengals, Texans, or any team that plays in New Jersey I am drafting Meinerz #1. This is a guy that not only individually gets his assignment done but changes the whole culture of the Oline to be Boss Hogs and dominate.