Bill Walton Just Deep Throated A Candle That Was Still Very Much On Fire Before Eating It Live On TV ... Again

Listen you don't put a lit candle right around Bill Walton and expect normalcy. Normalcy is Bill Walton eating the candle while it's very much lit. This time he went above and beyond for Dave Pasch. It's not even Dave Pasch's birthday or anything, Bill Walton just wanted to put on a show. Can't blame him. This isn't the first time Walton and a candle met on TV: 

Personally I like to think this was specifically for Big Cat and Riggs. Actually,  I want this to be just for Riggs. He's already birthday cucked, let Walton celebrate for him (his words not mine): 

I love Pasch here. The man can't control his own feelings. He's one of us. He knows funny. He has to deal with this shit week after week. The same jokes, the asinine ramblings, the man went to Syracuse to be a broadcaster. He's now Walton's sidekick. He's the guy who has to deal with his co-worker deep throating candles like he's Heather Brooke. If you know, you know. 

Long live Bill Walton man. It's a cold ass Saturday in January. No better way to spend it than watching Walton deep throat and eat a lit candle on TV … again.