Licking The Grease Trap At A McDonald's Is A Pretty Shitty Way To Make $5



Pretty gross I guess.  Would I do that now?  Absolutely not.  You’d have to pay me a whole hell of a lot more than $5 to lick ANYTHING at a McDonald’s.  It really has less to do with the grease trap and more to do with that it happened at a McDonald’s.  The kitchens of McDonalds have to be some of the grossest places on the plant.  I’ve never even been in a McDonald’s kitchen and I still know that to be true and so do you.  You ever get a peak in through the window when you’re sitting at the drive thru?  It’s more like a meth den than anything resembling a place that makes food.  It’s like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  In that kid’s defense though, I was just like him back in the day.  I said I wouldn’t do that for $5 now but I absolutely would’ve done that 10 years ago for that amount of money.  Teenager Trent was all about doing stupid dares from my friends for very low amounts of money (or no money at all).  Like filling a cup with half Pepsi and the other half with packets of ketchup and mustard and mayonnaise and drinking it.  I was all about shit like that.  Why not?  When you’re that age nothing matters.  Part of it was for the money but mostly for the laugh.  That’s why that kid licked the grease trap.  Not for the measly $5 but for the story and to hopefully make his co-workers laugh.  I get it.  It’s weird, but I get it.  It just so happens that now when you do something like this 10 million people see it on the internet as opposed to just your buddies.