This Girl Fight Ending With One Girl Getting Ketchup Squirted All Over Her Face Is The Most Disrespectful Thing Possible


You can’t see this girl underneath all that ketchup but I have to imagine her face is nothing but shame and disappointment in herself:


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Also I didn’t get a great read on the blond chick’s body but I have to imagine her first problem was squaring up with a chick built like this:


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That is a country strong and thick woman, like a Brock Lesnar bitch. Not even fat as much as she is stout. All the heart in the world won’t mean a thing coming up against a freak like that. And she knows it, too. You don’t dehumanize another person by covering them in condiments on a whim. You do that when you know you simply can’t be beaten. The Alexander the Great of chicks built like one of the sausages at the Milwaukee Brewers stadium races.