Our Friend Dwayne Haskins Is Now The Quarterback For The Pittsburgh Steelers


What a ride it's been with our friend Dwayne. First round pick, bumpy start to his rookie season, strong close to the season, voted team captain, very poor sophomore season with benchings, strip clubs, and being cut from the team along the way. It was the right call to cut him, there's no denying that. He was not Ron Rivera's guy, and then he did himself no favors with how he acted both on and off the field. To say he was not prepared to be a starter in the NFL would be an understatement. He has always been the best his whole life, but the NFL is a different animal. Everyone in the NFL is the best. And to be a QB in the NFL you have to work harder than you've ever worked in your life, and Haskins was not willing to do that.

And now Pittsburgh has swooped in and taken a flier on him. I mean, why not? He was amazing in college, was a first round pick, is 23 years old, and has shown flashes of brilliance between streaks of...not-brilliance. If he's coached up, taught good study habits, and focused, he could still have a long career ahead of him. I will never count a 23 year old first round pick out. It takes some guys years upon years to get good- just look at Fitzmagic and Ryan Tannehill for two examples. People forget Drew Brees sucked when he came into the league too. Goff was god awful. We can go on and on.

Will Haskins live up to his potential? Up to him. If he can learn the game inside and out, sure, why not? There's going to be a huge learning curve for him, but hey, we've seen crazier things happen. All the best to him in Pittsburgh, and for the love of god, stay away from the strip clubs.


PS: I cannot believe we used a 1st round pick on him only 2 years ago. Thank goodness they had the wherewithal to trade back in and get Montez Sweat. Phew.