Not Enough People Are Disturbed By Billionaire Jack Ma Being Missing

I know the world is crazy right now. There's a million things going on with the chaos in Washington, a pandemic, businesses shutting down, and the NFL playoffs. It's impossible to follow everything, BUT people should be talking about this. Jack Ma, one of the richest people in the world, made a habit of speaking out against China so China just...made him disappear. He's been gone for months. Nobody has seen him since October. He's just gone. There were reports leaked that he was just "laying low" to which I say...

Jack Ma is worth nearly $60 BILLION. He is historically very active on social media and loves the camera. He is the host of a show similar to Shark Tank and he just bailed on the season finale without any notice or real explanation. It's insane. This would be like Marc Cuban or Elon Musk disappearing off the face of the Earth and everyone just acting like it's cool and normal. If those guys went missing here it would be non-stop coverage, headlines, manhunts, google earth enthusiasts, netflix documentaries, and the world would stop until they were found. Jack Ma up and vanishes and nobody even blinks because China does this all the time. 

We did a dogwalk episode on this last week when it was first reported that he was missing and it turns out…Chinese Billionaires who criticize the Chinese Communist Party up and disappear all the time. Then they pop up and they're re-educated. You can listen to that full episode here

This story just answers the position put forth by Kevin Spacey(disavow) in season 1 of "House Of Cards"; Money vs Power

I watched that clip when it first came out and scoffed. Who would even want power when you have money? Not me. Ultimately I just want to be left alone and I want the freedom to be left alone because I have Scrooge McDuck piles of money. That, to me, is "fuck you money". The ability to do or not do whatever you really want because you're not reliant or beholden to anyone. That is the way to live. Apparently "fuck you money" doesn't exist in China. $60B does nothing when you're going head to head with President Xi and that is fucking scary. I am still a money guy because I would never get into battles with China or the government. I would just buy a ranch in the West and live simply on the best piece of property the world has to offer. Just living in the mountains and trying not to see anyone and especially trying not to deal with the government.