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If You're Not Wearing A Cup Whilst Playing Cricket, You're Gonna Have A Bad Time

I like to think of myself to be a man of reason and science. I believe in Darwin's Theory of Evolution and all that comes with that. But if there were ever a reason for me to believe that evolution is all just a crock of bullshit?

Well it would be nut shots. 

Because think about how long dudes have been getting hit in the balls. Generations. Centuries. Since the dawn of time guys have been getting rocked in the nads, much to the amusement of every other man around him. Someone gets hit in the dick and balls, that person immediately falls to the ground in pain and everybody else proceeds to remorsefully laugh their ass off. Whether it be an accidental assault on the nuts like this cricket delivery, or your jackass friend purposefully hitting you with a sack tap. It's an incident that has occured trillions upon trillions of time throughout human history. 

Yet somehow we haven't evolved past the point where getting hit in the balls hurts anymore? And you still want me to believe in evolution after that? If evolution were real, getting hit in the balls would have stopped hurting at least 3 generations ago. But go out to play a cricket match without a cup on and you'll quickly learn that taking a shot to the jewels hurts just as much today as it did 500 years ago. 

Either Charles Darwin didn't have any friends who ever ball tapped him before (which means he clearly didn't have any friends at all), or that dude was just full of shit. 
