The Barstool Fund - Roomers Bar

Up next: Roomers Bar (Lake Placid, NY)

Roomers is the only place for nightlife in Lake Placid. The club has everything you need to let loose in this mountain town. With a large dance floor, live DJ on weekends, and all of your favorite drink options, they’re the place to be.



Reader Email

Barstool Sports!

       Hello, my name is Theresa Pomerville and I would first like to say thank you for even taking the time to consider helping small businesses as due to Covid some of us are in a bad place. Thank you from myself personally for taking the time to read my email.

I am a 30 year old woman living in Lake Placid NY and am currently 17 weeks pregnant! I am a small business owner, I own Roomers bar which has been a lake placid staple for 28 years! After working at roomers for 11 years I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to buy the bar from the previous owner in 2018. Working there as the manager, I already knew buying roomers was a great opportunity and a no brainer, due to the fact it is one of two late night bars in town. Roomers is home to debauchery (legal debauchery of course), all things ratchet, but also all things classy, all things fun, is inclusive of all walks of life, home to great music, and also a watering hole for the locals of the small town that is lake placid. 

Due to Covid my business has taken a HUGE hit. I was closed for 3 months with no help from my landlords, insurance companies, and absolutely no income. 

Since reopening, our regulations have been absolutely crippling to the business. My capacity went from 160 to 60, which was enough to keep the business afloat and break even. In the past month we have been required to close our doors at 10p.m. For a bar such as mine this is detrimental. I am used to being open until 3 a.m. and since this rule has been in place my business has plummeted.  I will be able to keep my doors open for 1 more month and then I will be forced to close forever and will become personally responsible for my business loan.

As I am soon to be a first time mother, I am terrified for our future. I am struggling to pay rent, struggling to buy groceries, and struggling to provide a future for my daughter. I have done as much as I feel I can including letting my entire staff go and working the entire business myself, including, bartending, Bookkeeping, cleaning, managing. I have tried new hours, opening earlier in the day in hopes of getting patrons walking the streets, but it just doesn’t seem to be enough. So here I am, now, reaching out to every avenue possible, applying for loans, grants, and any help I can get. 

I am hoping to make it through the next few months until Covid becomes less of a threat and my business can get back to anything considered normal. I very much appreciate you taking the time to hear my story as I’m sure there are thousands of others in the same position. Thanks for all you do.

