Let's Fucking Go! The Chiclets Boys Make Their WJC Gold Medal Game Predictions

No shit, we're homers. You don't pick against your own country (especially when you have a great shot at winning). And that's why me, Whit, and G are all picking the States and Biz is on the maple leaf.

Canada smoked the Rooskies in a snoozer last night and the Finns took the U.S. to the brink, as the Finns do. But this is the final we all North America wanted and now we have it. Two wildly talented teams and the two countries that produce more than 2/3rds of the players in the best league on the planet. 

If Canada loses, there won't be a "Sorrey!" heard anywhere from Surrey to Super Sexe tomorrow. If the United States loses, well, people will continue to go about their business. But that won't make a victory any less sweet. 

Giphy Images.

We had TSN's Ray Ferraro on today's Spittin' Chiclets to discuss the tourney and Columbus D-man Seth Jones also joined us. Check it out below.