Man Arrested After He Popped His Head Into A Store And Asked If Anybody Wanted To Buy His Baby

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Independent- Manchester police have arrested a man who allegedly tried to sell a baby for £1,000 in a city-centre shopping arcade. The man, who has not yet been identified, reportedly approached a member of the public in Barton Arcade, Manchester, and allegedly offered to sell them the child. The 28-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of child neglect. He awaits questioning in police custody. The three-month-old baby girl is safe and well. As reported by the Manchester Evening News, the man shouted into a William Hill bookmakers, asking whether anyone wanted to buy the baby, and continued walking down the street asking the same question. Speaking to the paper, police said that at least three different people were approached by the man. Dozens of police officers were on the streets of the city looking for him, and public transport workers have been told to stay on the look-out for the man, in an effort to locate him. “We have now arrested a man on suspicion of child neglect and will be questioning him in relation to the incident as we try to establish the full circumstances.”



Whoops.  I’m sorry.  Me and this guy must not be living on planet Earth because that place believes in a little thing called capitalism.  A place where you can buy and sell goods for your own profit and not be bothered by authorities such as the police.  Who says this guy was even really going to sell the baby?  They don’t know what his actual intentions were.  Maybe he was just getting a rough estimate on how much his baby would go for in case, maybe one day in the future, he gets caught in a pinch and the needs a quick 10 bucks.  He has to establish a baseline somehow.  How much is my baby worth today? $10?  $15?  $5,000?  I don’t know how much babies are going for nowadays and clearly neither does he.  That’s all he wanted to know.  If the people in the store had given him a simple and honest answer then we wouldn’t be in this mess.  Let’s say they tell him his baby is worth $2,000.  Now he knows that.  Thank you.  That’s a little thing called information.  Price check the baby, it’s $2,000. Now he can go out and look for a better offer. If he doesn’t get one, then he has a $2,000 baby and he can decide if he wants the money or the baby. And the world keeps spinning.