Will Anybody Ever Break Gretzky's Record Of 50 Goals In 39 Games?

Just an absolute clinic put on by 99. 39 years ago, G put up a 5-spot to give him 50 goals in just 39 games en route to a still-record 92 goal season. 

I don't think 50 in 39 or 92 will ever be beaten only because goalies are so much better across the board these days. Guys are skilled enough to do it---but the goalies are collectively too good. Having said that, I'd love to see it.

As would Gretzky.

The only guy to come close? 

B Bennett. Getty Images.

Cam Neely scored 50 in just 44 games during the '93-'94 season. And he did it on one good leg. It was his 3rd and final 50-goal season. He also won the Masterton Trophy in 1994.

Giphy Images.