Jamie Collins Reminds Us Why We’re Not Pro Football Players

So you’re telling me this guy can do that, AND he can do this??

Jamie Collins is a freak. There’s no other way to put it. I’m not sure if I can even do a cartwheel. The worst part is I bet he has never practiced that before he tried to do it. Probably was like, that looks cool and then out of no where did like a billion backflips. It’s not fair.

Collins is quickly becoming one of the best young linebackers in the game. There has been a crazy amount of hype about him too, and from where he started in his first season in the league to last season, I believe it. When Edelman says that Collins is probably the most athletic man he’s ever seen, that’s saying something. And I’m the dumbass who was pissed when the traded down for him and wanted Cordarrelle Patterson… Good call Bill.