Sean Payton Was The Only Person To Stop Alvin Kamara From Scoring A Touchdown Today

The Vikings and the Saints have the weird goddamn rivalry in the NFL. I don't understand it. These two teams shouldn't play only the strangest games imaginable. Take their bizarre recent history and then add Christmas into the mix and you knew something unusual would happen. I didn't think it would be Sean Payton holding Alvin Kamara to a mere SIX touchdowns instead of seven, but here we are. 

To run that play when a man has five touchdowns is criminal. I don't know what kind of punishment Payton should face for having such a lack of feel for the moment but I hope it's catastrophic. No draft picks for a decade? Postseason ban? Saints have to play with 10 men max on both sides of the ball next season? Something must be done. The NBA games today have all stunk, the NFL had all of America's eyes, you can't have Sean Payton fucking up the integrity of the Shield with decisions like this. Five touchdowns is absurd. Six? 

Hasn't been done since the era where the forward pass wasn't even illegal, it wasn't even conceptualized yet. SEVEN? That makes Reggie Bush vs. Fresno State look pedestrian. Sean Payton and BYU Tebow should receive harsher penalties than Bountygate for their treasonous acts out there today.