3 Days Removed From Being Covered In Stripper Juice, Haskins Is Back On The Field And Probably Starting On Sunday




This is wonderful. I love this for us, for Haskins, for the league. The Broncos had to start a 7th string WR at QB because their quarterbacks didn't wear masks in the film room, meanwhile Haskins was eating a stripper's ass for dinner on Sunday night and is back on the field today. That's my quarterback!



Yeah he probably won't be allowed in meetings or something, but still pretty great that he's on the field taking first team reps and will probably start on Sunday with the playoffs on the line. There was probably an overreaction yesterday when all the news broke about him partying with strippers on Sunday after the game, but still, they have pretty strict COVID rules in place, but to be fair I don't think any of us are clear of what they are.

I'm obviously very in favor of this ruling. With Alex Smith on the mend, I was pissed Haskins put himself in any sort of jeopardy to not play this week. Still a boneheaded decision to go the strip club, but maybe that's what he needed to blow off some steam and get ready for this week. Plus, gotta imagine a lot of guys are having stripper parties, but you need to lock everyone's phone away beforehand, that's day 1 stuff.

But Dwayne better have the best game of his entire life on Sunday. College included. Pretty sure I watched him light up Maryland for 500 yards one time, I need him to light up Carolina for 600 this weekend. If you want to go to strip clubs, you better produce on the field, that's what grandma always said.