Pythons Might Become A New Menu Item In Florida As Soon As Scientists Give The OK

CNN - The predator might soon become the prey if Florida scientists can confirm that Burmese pythons -- an extremely invasive species in the Everglades -- are safe for us to eat.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is collaborating with the Florida Department of Health to investigate the mercury levels in pythons to determine if they can be safely consumed. If so, the snakes may soon end up on restaurant menus and dinner tables across the state.

"It is early on in the process for the mercury study. We are currently in the tissue collection stage of the project, and Covid has pushed our timeline back a bit," wildlife commission spokeswoman Susan Neel told CNN. "The plan is to have most of these samples come from pythons that are caught by our contractor program."

The objective of the study is to develop and share "consumption advisories for Burmese pythons in South Florida to better inform the public," Neel said, with the hope that Floridians could soon eat pythons to help manage their populations

When pythons are safe to eat, they can actually be quite delicious, says Donna Kalil, one of the program's python hunters.

What's the old saying? It's not so fun when the rabbit's got the gun?

Couldn't apply any better here. 

That's the sound of every python in the sunshine state pissing its pants. 

For centuries they've terrorized humans, livestock, and pretty much everything else in the animal kingdom to death.

Once "scientists" deem these spawn-of-satan as edibly safe it's going to be open season their ass for every swamp person down in the Everglades.

You know the folks I'm talking about. These crazy sons o bitches and their friends.

It also just so happens that Python is delicious (so I read)

and can be prepared in a number of ways. 

Butterflied python-

"mojo python liver"

python sausage

I'd honestly try any of these. I thought alligator would have been gross but it's awesome. Same goes for crickets. Humble brag I got balls when it comes to food. But this lady has way bigger balls.