7'6" UCF Hoops Player Tacko Fall Eats 5 Pancakes, 4 PB&Js, 4 Pieces Of Fried Chicken and a Large Pizza A Day

And that’s not all he eats, that’s just what I could conveniently fit in the headline. Full list:

5 pancakes
3 bananas
2 apples
2 yogurts
1 mac and cheese
4 pieces of fried chicken
4 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
1 large box of pizza

That’s a typical day. 7300 calories. Every day.

God being an athlete is awesome. There’s the fame and fortune obviously, the popularity, the rush of playing a sport in front of a huge crowd. There’s also the excuse to eat as much as you possibly can at all times. All of us suckers are out here watching our weight while Tacko Fall is slamming large pies and fried chicken and PB&Js all day err day. Must be nice.


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PS – Still love this picture.

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There’s obviously perks to being 7’6″, but not being able to walk through a freaking door has got to be so annoying.