Jose Cuervo Is Selling Tickets On Their "Tequila Train" For $114 Dollars Which Includes An All You Can Drink Package En Route To Their Distillery

Travel and Leisure- All aboard the tequila train with an all-you-can-drink bar — now offering a new elevated experience. 

Yes, it’s not just legend: The tequila train, more formally known as the Jose Cuervo Express, travels between the western Mexico city of Guadalajara and the community of Tequila, which the Mexican Secretariat of Tourism called a Pueblo Mágico (or Magic Town).

The train started up its motor again last Saturday, Dec. 5, debuting the Elite experience, which includes a ride in the new Elite Wagon, a luxurious wood-paneled car with 37 passenger spaces (currently capped at 24 due to pandemic precautions), floor-to-ceiling windows, and two lounge areas. Guests in this service class also receive a new line of custom cocktails, as well as access to a Premium Bar with Reserva de la Familia, in addition to Tequila Maestro Tequilero, Centenario, 1800, rum, vodka, and whiskey.

If that’s not enough indulgence, the experience also comes with a three-glass educational Reserva de la Familia tasting led by a tequila expert, regional snacks, on-board entertainment, a lottery game, an agave fields visit, and — when conditions are safe — a trip to Latin America’s oldest distillery, Jose Cuervo’s La Rojeña. In the meantime, a virtual production discussion will take place with a walk-through.

Other service classes are also available, starting at about $114 per person, with an open bar (minus the Reserva de la Familia selections) and snacks, an educational tasting, an agave fields visit, and Loteria Mexican bingo.

I was in Texas last week for work and was amazed at how life seems totally normal compared to Chicago and Boston. Austin was somewhat restricted in terms of businesses, but people are out and about living life for the most part. Houston was a whole other story. Total shitshow. Every restaurant and bar packed. People out, spending money, dancing, drinking, enjoying life. It felt like I was on another planet. 

Being in Florida a couple months ago to film the Chris Nikic video was much the same. 

But none of that compares to Jose Cuervo restarting their booze cruise tequila train the puke express.

Just reading this story in Travel and Leisure made me gag ten times.

There is nothing like the smell of warm Jose Cuervo, or just the thought of it, that triggers my gag reflex like Hannah Hilton.

Everybody has that one liquor from their early days of drinking, when they thought they were invincible, and learned the hard way that they were not. 

That said, even if Cuervo doesn't make you gag, we can all agree the brand appeals to a certain demographic: a zero fucks given, "I don't need to waste an extra $4.75 on a premium tequila, I wish this still had a worm in the bottle", cut straight to the chase and get fucked up type of person.

Imagine a train full of these people? 

I did a blog on cruises and how Carnival had 100,000 people apply to be human guinea pigs on a cruise coming up last month

I imagine the Americans signing up for this train ride will be the ones that don't make the cut on this cruise. It's actually a great back up plan for people looking to get wasted abroad and show the world how Americans roll. 

p.s.- I'm actually dying to go to a tequila distillery. Mezcal to be exact. I'm a big mezcal guy. I love watching videos of how it's made and how some of the biggest purveyors in the world (brands you know like Don Julio, Clase Azul, etc.) are still relatively small mom and pop family operations. Awesome stuff-

p.p.s. - pics from the train-