This Cheerleader Feels Looser After Seeing This Chiropractor

I don't know why, but over the course of being shut in in my apartment due to COVID, I've been watching a bunch of chiropractor videos on YouTube to curb my boredom. There's just something sort of soothing and cathartic about them. I don't have any back, knee or joint pain at all and have never stepped foot into a chiropractor's office, but hearing peoples' backs crack like crazy is one of those sounds that is just easy on the ears to me. It's kind of hard to explain. 

But for whatever reason there are YouTube channels of smoke show after smoke show getting their backs cracked, and they do CRAZY numbers, all things considered.  I mean the video above has over 260K views and it's only a month old. I also posted this video...

...with this girl

a month back, and it had 400,000+ views on Barstool Sports alone, with 670,000+ views on YouTube. 

That's absurd when all it is is some (fake?) doctor cracking backs of smoke after smoke. It just goes to show you, being hot or associating with hot people pays. 

But is it some sort of fetish? Maybe. Detective Chaps dove into the high amounts of horniness in the chiropractor world it with this blog a few days ago:

Just horny, horny and more horny… and I get it. There's something about these videos that kinda turn me on. Maybe it's the hot chicks. I don't know. But I like them and I will continue watching them and I will continue sharing them. Here are a few of my favorites:

I honestly cannot tell for the life of me if this is some fake doctor intentionally looking like Johnny Sins just to get clicks on YouTube or he's a real dude helping people very attractive women with their back pain. Neither would shock me, but it doesn't matter though. These videos are great. Looking at hot girls rocks and that's a goddamn fact of life.