People Need To Appreciate The Heist Sam Hinkie Just Pulled On The Sacramento Kings


While I was sleeping last night Sam Hinkie, certified genius, pulled off what will become known as one of the greatest heists of all time, next to the great Herschel Walker heist when the Cowboys picked up something like 15 draft picks in one trade in exchange for one person. After this years draft I read multiple articles that said Hinkie out smarted himself this draft by drafting “the best available” and not trading pieces for other valuable pieces. Well who’s laughing now? The details of the trade are: Kings receive 2 European second round draft picks of ours and another future second round draft pick. Sixers receive Nick Stauskus, Carl Landry, Jason Thompson, AND a protected first round pick.

I can’t make this shit up. Essentially the Kings needed to dump contracts and money to sign Rondo and whoever else they want. We have the space to take on those bad contracts and why not convince the IDIOT Kings to send us their 8th overall pick from last year AND another future first. It’s brilliant, it’s genius, it’s magnificent, it’s magic, it’s Hinkie. The Kings just got Hinkie’d and I can’t wait to laugh and laugh and laugh all the way to the 2017 NBA Finals with all the first round draft picks we have on our team. #InHinkieWeTrust