Jon Kitna Told A Story About How A Dropped Pass Made Chad Johnson Go From Good To Great


You know what always impresses me about professional athletes? Their abilities to recall everything that happened in a game, even if it was nearly 20 years ago. Whenever hockey players go on Chiclets, or football players on PMT, or whatever, I'm always amazed how vividly they can recall exact plays that happened so many years ago. Jon Kitna played 14 years in the league and could probably tell you every player that was on the field on that day. 

And then the story itself, what catapulted Chad from good to great. I always love stories like this, the one "ah-ha" moment that changes their entire career. We've always known Chad is an emotional guy. Always wore his emotions on his sleeves. But what we didn't know was what flipped the switch for him. And turns out it was week 5 in 2002. And guess what? Thanks to the beautiful internet, I found the drop!



Chad, noooooo! So open! Also, standard definition, woof. I can't believe we used to watch TV like that. 

And don't sleep on how good of a run Chad had in Cincy. All antics aside, he was one of the best players in football at his peak.



Him and TJ Houshmandzadeh were an unreal WR duo. If only Carson Palmer wasn't cheap-shotted by Kimo von Oelhoffen, what could have been.