Frisbee Golfer Hits An Awesome 365-Foot Hole-In-One Off The Bounce



Boom!  That was actually pretty awesome.  Mostly because I could never do that in a million years. I realize setting the bar at It’s Awesome If Trent Can’t Do It is pretty damn low but frisbee golf hole in ones gotta be right near the top. And off the bounce too made it even more impressive.  Look at the guy’s face afterwards. That’s the happiest he’s been in months.  Maybe years. Any frisbee golfers in the house?  Maybe a couple.  Any people who like to walk around outside, drink beer and smoke weed in the woods?  There you are!  I knew you’d be on board!  That’s mostly what frisbee golf is good for.  A nice nice stroll in the woods, tossing around a rubber frisbee at a chain link basket and getting fucked up with your friends.  Good ol’ fashioned fun.  The game itself is secondary.  That’s how I would always end up playing.  Do I want to exercise outside?  No.  Do I want to drink 9 Bud Lights in the middle of the day. Yes.  Sold.  Not to mention it’s super super cheap.  And by cheap I mean free.  Real golf you end up spending an arm and a leg to play.  Frisbee golf is the total opposite.  Booze is the only cost.  There’s worst ways to spend an afternoon.