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Great News: South Korea Just Passed A Law Saying B​TS Doesn't Have To Go Into The Military...Yet

Source - BTS’ legions of fans, known as the ARMY, were joyous Tuesday after South Korean lawmakers passed a bill that will likely enable pop stars — including the boyband’s members — to postpone mandatory military service.

As a result of the country’s decadeslong war with North Korea, there is currently what Americans would perceive as a military draft in place requiring that all able-bodied South Korean men to serve for a minimum of 18 months before their 28th birthday — a date which BTS’ oldest member, 27-year-old Kim Seok-jin, is fast approaching.

If President Moon Jae-in signs the bill, which was passed by an overwhelming 268 to 2 vote by the legislature, the country’s most famous entertainers will be allowed to defer national service until they are 30, CBS News reported. While the military service mandate has thrown other boybands off course during their prime youthful years, pushing the requirement until the third decade means performers could avoid serving during their most marketable years.

First of all, I knew South Korea had mandatory military service but I didn't know it was that mandatory. I thought you could just buy your way out of it. That's what would happen in America if we were to reinstate the draft- rich people would pay their way out and poor people would go in. That's just the way is, which is why I was shocked when I learned that South Korea has to pass a law in order to get these guys out of serving. Especially considering they're the entire South Korean economy. Literally. They bring in 3.6 billion dollars per year and over 800,000 tourists. Those number are presidential pardon type numbers. Speaking of presidents, South Korea's still has the option to squash the bill by not signing it. Their fate lies in the hands of this man...

Pool. Getty Images.

Moon Jae-in. No word yet on wether or not he's a fan of their latest album. Part of me wants him to make them serve because I think it will be funny, but I get why he wouldn't. There's too much money on the line and everyone loves them. Once they get ugly enough he'll ship them off to basic. 

Just wanted to end your day with some good news because I knew you guys were concerned. Now take it away, boys! 




