ISIS Is Now So Hated That Even A Recently Killed Al Qaeda Spokesman Said They Needed To Dial It Back

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ABC News – The atrocities committed by the terror group ISIS are so horrific that a high-profile al Qaeda member, an American citizen, purportedly addressed the group directly in a new al Qaeda publication and lectured them that if they keep it up, Allah will not grant them paradise in the afterlife.

“My dear brothers: While no one can deny the considerable strength and prowess of the Islamic State group [ISIS] in military terms, at the same time, the crimes it has committed against Muslims cannot simply be overlooked or forgotten with time, because in Islam there is no statute of limitations,” the late Adam Gadahn said, according to an al Qaeda magazine published recently online. “And if these wrongs are not brought to an end and rectified here in this world, then a severe punishment has been promised both for those who committed them as well as those who encouraged, condoned or justified them, even if from behind a computer or mobile phone thousands of miles away.”

“Oppression of any kind is wrong, and [there] will be darkness for its perpetrator on the Day of Judgment. The Ummah’s [Muslim community’s] Jihad is not a video game; it is real life, with real consequences, in this world and the next,” he said.

Gadahn, born Adam Pearlman, was killed accidentally in an American counter-terrorism operation in January, according to the White House. Apparently the U.S. forces who conducted the mission didn’t know Gadahn was at the target location. Another al Qaeda member said in the magazine that it was an airstrike that killed Gadahn.


Obviously anyone leaving America to join a terrorist group is more than a bit fucked in the head. And I’m not sure how much weight an American al Qaeda’s opinions on how the Middle East runs it business actually carry weight. But it’s, relatively speaking, an encouraging thought that maybe there are some cooler heads being developed who aren’t just blindly ignoring how the warlike culture spits in the face of the religion’s actual intent. Or those dudes’ll just get beheaded too, either or, life in the terrorist fast lane.


I’m not necessarily in the business of taunting wanted terrorists, dead or alive, but I can definitely see how growing up looking like this might lead a man astray from America:

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Slipknot and Hot Topic’s loss was terrorism’s gain.