Wake Up With Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds Live At Radio City Music Hall (FULL CONCERT)

Maybe it's aggressive to offer up a near 3-hour concert to get your week started but then again maybe you you need a 3-hour concert to get your week started. I don't know unless we try so here goes nothing: Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds circa 2007 in a high definition broadcast of 26 carefully selected songs. Tune in to watch these dudes absolutely punish their acoustic guitars with such chaos and rhythm. It's one thing to see DMB live but if you know any diehards, they swear by Dave & Tim unplugged. Or whatever the appropriate nomenclature is for this performance. 

Either way it's fucking awesome and I don't care if you think Dave is lame. I happen to enjoy his music quite a bit. So much that my taste really haven't evolved from 8th grade. If I thought you were good then, I listen to you now. That makes me your traditional basic meatball dude and I could care less. Someone else can be in charge of the playlist. That's way too much responsibility in a large social dynamic. Personally I'm just fine with whatever you want to play. People who complain about the music are the fucking worst. The only time I want you cramming music down my throat is when it's your own personal EP. Otherwise shut up. 

Let's have a nice week. We're already halfway home.