I'm Sick Of These Motherfucking Rattlesnakes In Our Motherfucking Office....Wait What?


Wait a minute.  There are rattlesnakes slithering around in Milton?   For real?   This ain’t no joke?  Umm how the fuck are there rattlesnakes in Milton? Listen there is one thing I don’t do in life and that’s fuck with snakes.  I don’t care if they are garden snakes, rattle snake, pythons or what.   Snakes are no bueno.   I see a snake walking down the street I cross to the other side, keep my eyes down and hope he doesn’t see me.   So I got two options right now.   Send Blind Mike and Hank into all the bushes in Milton to draw them out or just dump a ton of Great Whites into the streets and see how tough these snakes are then.  But as it stands I’m not really feeling leaving the office.  I’ve delivered way too many papers to be watching my back for rattle snakes biting me on the way to get a coffee.