Eminent Scientist Says Human Beings Will Be Extinct In 100 Years

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(PhysOrg.com)Eminent Australian scientist Professor Frank Fenner, who helped to wipe out smallpox, predicts humans will probably be extinct within 100 years, because of overpopulation, environmental destruction and climate change. Fenner, who is emeritus professor of microbiology at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, said homo sapiens will not be able to survive the population explosion and “unbridled consumption,” and will become extinct, perhaps within a century, along with many other species. United Nations official figures from last year estimate the human population is 6.8 billion, and is predicted to pass seven billion next year. Fenner told The Australian he tries not to express his pessimism because people are trying to do something, but keep putting it off. He said he believes the situation is irreversible, and it is too late because the effects we have had on Earth since industrialization (a period now known to scientists unofficially as the Anthropocene) rivals any effects of ice ages or comet impacts.






Oh. OK. I’m used to hearing this shit from crazy homeless people on the street but hearing it from the dude who wiped out smallpox is new. But guess what, world? Idgafuckkkkkkkkk. It’s kinda awesome news, right? Bump this extinction up 50 years, earth, and see what I care. The whole thing being irreversible is probably the best part. Stop doing all you environmental bullshit because it doesn’t matter. Use aerosol cans, throw your batteries in the trash, flush your tampons, burn tires, stop separating your recyclables, stop driving a Prius. Fuck it all, it doesn’t matter. There’s no point in having a minor surgery when you know you’re gonna die soon anyway, right? The one thing I would worry about/recommend is wearing condoms. Kinda fucked up to bring a kid into the world knowing they’ll eventually have to live like it’s Mad Max. Might even technically be murder tbh.