Ticketmaster Announces Look Into Future Of Concerts After Vaccine Announcement And... We Had A Good Run Guys

Billboard - Monday's news that pharmaceutical company Pfizer's early results on a new COVID-19 vaccine showed a 90% efficacy rate on an initial clinical trial have given concert professionals hope that the business can start mounting a return in 2021. As part of that preparation, Ticketmaster has been working on a framework for post-pandemic fan safety that uses smart phones to verify fans' vaccination status or whether they've tested negative for the coronavirus within a 24 to 72 hour window.

Many of details of the plan, which is still in development phase, will rely on three separate components -- the Ticketmaster digital ticket app, third party health information companies like CLEAR Health Pass or IBM's Digital Health Pass and testing and vaccine distribution providers like Labcorp and the CVS Minute Clinic.

Here's how it would work, if approved: After purchasing a ticket for a concert, fans would need to verify that they have already been vaccinated (which would provide approximately one year of COVID-19 protection) or test negative for coronavirus approximately 24 to 72 hours prior to the concert. The length of coverage a test would provide would be governed by regional health authorities -- if attendees of a Friday night concert had to be tested 48 hours in advance, most could start the testing process the day before the event. If it was a 24-hour window,  most people would likely be tested the same day of the event at a lab or a health clinic.

Once the test was complete, the fan would instruct the lab to deliver the results to their health pass company, like CLEAR or IBM. If the tests were negative, or the fan was vaccinated, the health pass company would verify the attendee's COVID-19 status to Ticketmaster, which would then issue the fan the credentials needed to access the event. If a fan tested positive or didn't take a test to verify their status, they would not be granted access to the event. There are still many details to work out, but the goal of the program is for fans to take care of vaccines and testing prior to the concert and not show up hoping to be tested onsite.

Remember a few weeks ago when Coley blogged about Michael Bay's movie coming out about Covid still being a thing four years from now? And the dystopian world of the future it brings with it? Well I think we all kind of laughed it off as another Michael Bay shock and awe, big-budget dud. But as more and more information comes out (really quickly considering Pfizer's announcement was just two days ago) about what companies and countries are envisioning for a Covid vaccinated world, the more realistic Bay's movie seems.

Here's the trailer again if you're unfamiliar.

(ps - fuck Michael Bay for ruining this song and fuck the Marley estate for licensing this to be used for such a downer purpose)

But back to the Livenation Ticketmaster announcement.

If you're wondering why Ticketmaster/Livenation are the ones leading the charge on this, it's because in a world totally ravaged by Covid, the events industry might have suffered even greater than the hospitality and travel industries throughout this all. And Livenation was king of that hill for a long time going into this. They've seen their stock drop 50%. They've enforced some outrageous ticket refund policies and faced much deserved backlash. And they've reneged on deals with their artists and pissed off the majority of the music industry.

So they've got a lot of skin in the concert and live events game. A ton.

So we're talking pre-screenings and vaccination tickets or documents on our phone in order to be granted admission to a concert? Can only assume sporting events are next. And theme parks. And then air, bus, and public transportation travel. And then what? Schools? Grocery stores? 

To date, the Food and Drug Administration has not approved any third-party companies to provide the complex technology needed to deliver real-time vaccination results, but Ticketmaster president Mark Yovich expects the demand for digital screening services -- which will be needed for airline travel, employment verification and theme park entry -- will attract a new wave of investors and entrepreneurs to fuel the growth of a new COVID-19 technology sector.

"We’re already seeing many third-party health care providers prepare to handle the vetting -- whether that is getting a vaccine, taking a test, or other methods of review and approval - which could then be linked via a digital ticket so everyone entering the event is verified," Yovich tells Billboard. "Ticketmaster’s goal is to provide enough flexibility and options that venues and fans have multiple paths to return to events, and is working to create integrations to our API and leading digital ticketing technology as we will look to tap into the top solutions based on what’s green-lit by officials and desired by clients."

For Ticketmaster, two new technologies at the companies will help its clients scale the program. The first is digital ticketing that's linked to a fan’s identity, eliminates paper tickets and can be restricted from being transferred or resold. Ticketmaster also plans to deploy its new SmartEvent system, which helps event organizers and fans manage social distancing, delayed entry and provide possible opportunities for contact tracing. Many of the safety parameters will be set by regional health officials and event organizers. Event organizers also have the ability to set their own prevention protocols, like sanitation, mask compliance and social distancing.

I have wondered for the past 4 or 5 years of traveling what the catch was for "Clear" at airports. I ended up signing up for it a couple years ago when I showed up like 4 hours early on accident and a salesman sold me on a 50% signup sale. But I've never really used it because it's no different than TSA Pre-Check really. 

Well now it all makes sense. 

Clear, or a competitor, is basically going to oversee screening and entry to all these events. 

Retina scans, or fingerprint scans, linked to your health information in order to get in to a Pats Jets game or see U2. Hopefully that's it. 

Somewhere in Oxfordshire, England George Orwell is rolling in his grave.