15-Year-Old Cole Hammer Tried His Best Not To Have A Panic Attack Before He Teed Off At The US Open



So that’s 15-year-old Cole Hammer who is playing in the US Open.  I wrote a blog about him last week talking about how awesome his name is.  Well that’s him right before he was about to tee off at Chambers Bay this morning.  The six second Vine doesn’t really do it justice because it lasted about 45 seconds and the camera just stayed on him.  He barely moved.  Just closing his eyes and trying not to have a panic attack/cry right there on the spot. I honestly didn’t know if he was gonna make it to the tee box.  Hard to imagine what he’s feeling.  You know when you’re golfing with your buddies and you’re nervous on the first tee?  It makes zero sense because you know them well, you’ve seen each other at your drunken worst but for some reason you still get butterflies.  Well multiply that times a billion and it still doesn’t compare to what Cole Hammer is going through on that first tee. Major tournament, huge galleries, countless people watching on TV and the internet. 15 years old.  Good luck, kid!


By the way, he hit a decent drive, a fantastic second shot and two-putted for par. Strong start from the kid.