Does This Look Like The Face Of A Guy Who Sent A Look-A-Like To His Paternity Test To Avoid Paying Child Support?

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Mirror- A feckless father who sent a man who looked a bit like him to a court ordered paternity test has been convicted of fraud. Thomas Kenny was in a relationship when his mistress became pregnant but she refused an abortion and the love-rat didn’t want to pay child maintenance. Birmingham Crown Court heard Kenny already had one child with his long term partner, and she was pregnant with his second when he had the affair. Kenny put pressure on the second woman to get rid of the unborn child, the court was told. When the time came to take a DNA test ordered by the Child Support Agency, he tried to dodge his responsibility. Judge Philip Parker QC said he could not determine whether it had been the defendant’s idea or the person who had been sent, possibly a work colleague, who had a physical similarity to Kenny. The fraud came to light when Kenny was arrested in June last year but even then he continued to deny being the father, reports the Birmingham Mail.




First of all, big time scum bag move from this guy.  Yes, kids suck (especially after last night Game of Thrones. Fuck you Olly) and they ruin your entire life.  But if you’re gonna knock a chick up at least have the decency to stick around or at the very least pay child support.  Come on, man.  Second, am I crazy in thinking that this is the most genius idea ever?  Have people tried this before or is he the first?  Because I’ve never heard of it before but it is a great idea.  I’ve never knocked a chick up and then had to take a paternity test (gotta have sex to get somebody pregnant, am I right?) so I don’t know how strict the process is but this feels like a no-brainer.  Give a guy who looks like you your ID and you’re home free.  No child support payments for me! If it’s like getting IDed at a bar then this should for sure work.  I have an oder brother who looks just like me.  We’re both Adonis’s with granite-like jaw lines.  Anyway, I used his ID to drink in bars for years before I turned 21. It worked 99.9% of the time.  Paternity tests have gotta be similar, right?  Walk in, give them the fake ID, stay calm and you’re golden.  But instead of being able to drink Bud Lights in a dive bar this guy will be swimming in extra cash from all that dough he doesn’t have to spend on his stupid kids. Wins all around.



PS- It didn’t work and the guy got charged with fraud but whatever.  It’s genius in theory.