Here's A Collection Of Tweets Calling Kevin Cash A Moron For Pulling Blake Snell

This morning I woke up and felt like beating a dead horse.

Giphy Images.

And because I feel like beating a dead horse, I'm going to be talking about Kevin Cash's completely fucking boneheaded removal of Blake Snell last night a lot today. I am pissed off as a baseball fan as I think we were robbed of what could have gone down as one of the great World Series performances in a long time. Blake Snell won't sleep a wink because of this and nobody blames him. Disgusting.

And the entire world knows it's disgusting too, including athletes and celebs from across the Twittersphere. Here's a collection of tweets saying computers need to fuck themselves and that Cash shouldn't have yanked Snell when he did. Just so goddamn dumb

And these are just a small percentage of tweets I stumbled upon. There were PLENTY more too, and the thing is I could almost forgive Kevin Cash if he just said, "I fucked up" but he's doubled down at least once already. Sickening

I mean the ENTIRE world knew it was an awful decision, and not one of them is thinking in hind sight. That, and if Cash lets Snell keep going and he surrendered the lead himself, not one of these people would be tweeting, "CASH SHOULD HAVE LEFT SNELL IN!" 

Not a single one of them. Nobody would have blamed him one iota.

I don't care what the Rays' computers say. Managers HAVE to learn to balance statistics, predictors and human feel. That's all there is to it.

I pray to god the White Sox find a manager who is able to do so. If anything, last night should give people PLENTY of reason to prefer La Russa to anyone else. I mean he's a smart guy; he's got his JD from FSU, is bilingual and is revered as one of the best managers in history. But has the game passed him by? No idea. What I do know is he could be a guy that is able to blend feel for making managerial decisions and listening to computers non-stop.

I'm mad you guys. But I'm also sad. Baseball is over and it seems like it just started yesterday. This offseason is going to be AWFUL and I cannot wait until pitchers and catchers report in 2021. Please god get this fucking pandemic under control so we can have a normal season. Please please please please please