If Homer and Marge Get Separated on The Simpsons But Nobody Is There To Watch It, Do They Ever Get Separated At All?

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ABC - After 26 years of loving marriage and wedded bliss on TV, Homer and Marge Simpson are going to split. In an interview with Variety, executive producer Al Jean spoke to the site about the upcoming 27th season and the big move to have Homer play the field. “In the premiere, it’s discovered after all the years Homer has narcolepsy and it’s an incredible strain on the marriage. Homer and Marge legally separate, and Homer falls in love with his pharmacist, who’s voiced by Lena Dunham,” he said.


There is so much pure, grade A bullshit in the above paragraph I don’t know where to begin. First off, Homer and Marge would never break up. Ever. Anyone who has 2 eyeballs and has seen 1 episode of the show knows that. It’s the most unrealistic story line of all time. But that’s where they’re at. It’s like how they started killing off characters to generate buzz. Poor Simpsons. But I get it, it’s ok to  change things up a bit. I dig it. But voiced by Lena Dunham. Pardon me while I burst into flames. Homer does not fuck anyone voiced by Lena Dunham on my watch. That fucking bitch is the worst. It could be lowest point in Simpsons history. Eventually they have to draw a line and this should be it. Just shameful. Lena Dunham. Gross. Marge better fuck Krusty in revenge.