72 Years Ago Today Thousands Of Common, Young Brave Men Saved The World

(Repeat blog from every year, but it will be re-posted from now until the end of time. Or when I get fired again. Whichever comes first.)

I don’t mean to discount any of the numerous equally brave invasions in the Pacific or the million of acts of valor by our soldiers from any battle in American history, but let’s take a moment to reflect what happened 72 years ago today. Thousands upon thousands of young, brave soldiers stormed the beaches of Normady not knowing if they would make it out alive. Men, mostly in their late TEENS and early 20’s, running straight into overwhelming firepower solely because they had a job that had to get done. When we’re that age our major concern in life is booze, boobs, and sports, meanwhile these guys were literally saving the world. I can’t even comprehend the balls it took to be staring death directly in the face and keep on moving. Most of us in our cushy, little lives can only connect to what happened through Saving Private Ryan or Call Of Duty 2. We’ll never truly understand the sacrifices they made that day, but we can never forget.

The next time you’re recovering from the hangover these men fought to make sure you can have, I suggest you take part in On-Demanding a Band Of Brothers marathon. Make Wild Bill Guarnere proud.