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Jimmy Fallon Gave Out Stanley Cup Final Superlatives And They Were Awful




I don’t want to be a Hater, I’m generally a pretty happy guy in life, but is Fallon always this painful because that was atrocious. Saw it in my email today and thought eh, Friday, Stanley Cup Final, might as well throw it out there. Fired it up thinking I would get a chuckle and I didn’t even come close. Doesn’t he have people write these things for him? How were they so unfunny? And after every superlative he riffed on it with just awful awful stuff. I don’t watch Fallon or late night television, is his show always like this? Because I used to like him on SNL and whenever he hosts an award show but this was bad bad bad.



Alright not all bad, this one was at least decent. Not possible to be more white.


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