This Wackjob Screaming About The Dangers Of Margaritas On A College Campus Is Another Level Of Crazy

Oh man- talk about some good old fashioned fun. What a thrill that lady must've been for those college students. You're on your way to your one in person class and you come across this lunatic yelling about anal sex and margaritias...






I love it. You know someone's crazy when they have the ankle-length-Duggar-style-dress with an 1800s frontier blouse. It makes you wonder where she came from. I mean this is taking place at Indiana University Bloomington which is literally in the middle of no where. She either drove there from very far away or lives in town and was just sick of watching kids drink margs. Whatever the case, I love the fact that everyone gasped and yelled when she said "anal sex." It was essentially a stand up comedy show. Best of luck to that lady in the future. She's gonna need it. Talk about fighting an uphill battle.