Remember That Time Kyle Schwarber Hit A Ball Onto The Budweiser Sign In Right Field? That Was Awesome.

It's been 5 years to the date since Schwarber gave us one of the best postseason home runs at Wrigley Field. And honestly, it feels like it happened 50 years ago. I'm not trying to complain I'm just being honest. That was when we were on the upswing and things were looking fucking phenomenal. Reflecting back there's an endless amount of bullshit that has brought the Cubs back to the middle of Major League Baseball. 

At the time, Schwarber was about 70 games into his MLB career after going 4th overall the year before. 600 minor league plate appearances later, he had 5 home runs in his first 8 postseason games. And outsiders wonder why Cubs' fans are permanently obsessed with this guy? You would be too. This blast was his 3rd of the 2015 postseason and I think it went approximately 7,000 feet. Rumor has it the ball is still there. Maybe one day the Cubs will sell you a ticket to go take a selfie with it (at your own risk). 

Elsewhere, you have to assume Schwarber is on the trading block this offseason with just about everyone else. And unfortunately I really do mean just about everyone else. Probably some big shake ups coming but then again the last time Theo completely revamped the Cubs, we won a World Series shortly thereafter. And he did that with Starlin Castro and Scott Feldman and Andrew Cashner. Now he has some serious ammunition to trade so maybe we'll get back there quicker. Who knows. It's still the period of time where the playoffs are still going but the Cubs are out so excuse my brain for being mush. My emotions with this team are all over the place. 

I'm not alone.